Thursday, February 11, 2010


After yet another blizzard, Gigi was once again seriously restricted in her activities because of the snow. We're over 50 inches now.  The yard stick disappeared at 37 inches (go figure) and we are at the "frankly, Scarlet" stage.

That there were two storms and the snowfall set a new record for our area seems to be lost on her.  She will, no doubt, recall it as The Week of No Car Rides.   She led me to the lump that hid the car and made it clear that she KNEW there was a car there.  Then snorted derisively at my protests that it just wasn't possible to go anywhere.

There were several times during the storms when she was given the option of going out, but when we opened the door, the high winds blew snow up her nose.  That ended that.  She'd turn around and head to the kitchen.  That the trip was "not productive" does not preclude payment of one carrot...she'd have pulled out a contract if I hadn't just given in.

We did what we could on rehab - hot moist compresses and gentle range of motion exercises.  I watched several range of motion videos on YouTube but...  I can't see pinning Gigi down and manipulating her leg in a way which seems like it is creating pain.  Vet says "gentle range of motion" so we do gentle.  Vet says "make her holler", we hire somebody else...

Toys are for sissies.  Gigi has a definite penchant for TV watching.  In Mom's lap.  Getting actively petted the WHOLE time.  Even during commercials.  I can see where this is going.  When she gets back to the office and her regular duties, EVERYone will have to sit on the floor and pet her.

Tomorrow, there is a chance of some melt.  Not enough to take an  r-i-d-e  but perhaps enough to smell something new.

Hugs to all bouvs with bolts.  And a snow shovel salute to all their moms and dads.

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